Welcome to the ChiroActive Sport and Spine Clinic Website. Sport and Spines are our passion.
Our goal is not only to help you find relief from your pain but also to help you develop habits in your lifestyle that will lead to better health in the future. We are an evidence based Chiropractic Clinic, and we do our best to keep up to date with the latest in neuro-musculoskeletal research from newly developed treatments to better understanding conditions that can affect neuro-musculoskeletal system. The ChiroActive Sports and Spine Clinic in partnership with Recovery Club South Africa provides state of the art accelerated post sport and training recovery equipment for all our professional Athletes and Average Joe alike. We are conveniently located in the new and very modern Hyperlife Medical Clinic which provides our patients with Radiology facilities making the process of diagnosis and treatment.
Read moreI found Dr Rebelo to be committed, enthusiastic, well mannered and non materialistic. A good person to have in your corner in times of Adversity.
He is amazing at the job he does, always willing to help and assist where he can. Most importantly he finds the root of the problem.
I have on several occasions gone to the ChiroActive Sport and Spine Clinic, all have left me feeling significantly better. I have found my time there to both beneficial and helpfull in every form of the word.
For a more detailed look and a better understanding of the types of treatments used here at the ChiroActive Sports and Spine Clinic, Click on the headers below.
You will find all the personal at the Chiroactive Sport and Spine Clinic to very helpful and assist in any way possible.
Director/Head Chiropractor
We are always ready to welcome you in our center!
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